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Vedic age (1500-600)BC

This is Vedic literature It is also called Shruti literature
1. Veda

  1. Brahmin
  2. Aranyaka

This is not Vedic literature.
1. Vedang

The Vedas –
*The literal meaning of Veda is knowledge.
*The compilation of the Vedas was done by Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa.
*The Aryans composed the Vedas.
*The literal meaning of Arya is noble/elite.
*The Vedas are considered eternal, authentic, and apauruṣeya (not of human origin).
*Those who composed Vedic hymns are called drashta (seer). Women who composed Vedic hymns were called rishi.

→ Vedas are 4

I. Rigveda –

  • The Rig Veda has 10 Mandalas, 1028 Suktas, 10580 (10600) Mantras. Richa
    *The first and 10th circles have been added later.
  • The second to seventh circles are called Vansh Mandal/Family Circle.
    *Gayatri Mantra is mentioned in the third mandala.
    *Gayatri Mantra was composed by Vishwamitra.
    *Gayatri Mantra is dedicated to Savitri/Savitri (Sun).
  • There is mention of Dashraj/Dasarajan war in the seventh circle.
    bharat clan v/s 10 clan
    Raja = Sudas
    Purohit = Vashishtha
    Priest = Vishwamitra
    *This war was fought for the water of Ravi river.
    *In the eighth Mandala, we find the names of sage women like Ghosa, Sikata, Apala, Visvara, Kakshavriti, Lopamudra.
  • The 1st mandala is dedicated to Soma.
    Som meets Mujvant mountain.
  • Mention of the word Shudra / mention of all four varnas is found in the Purusha Sukta of the 10th Mandal.
  • Nirguna Bhakti is mentioned in the Nasadiya Sukta of the 10th Mandal.
    *Brahmin who recites the mantras of the Rig Veda = Hotri
    *Upveda = Ayurveda

Ⅱ. Yajurveda :-
*It has two parts –

  1. Krishna Yajurveda
  2. Shukla Yajurveda It is called Bajsaniya Samhita.
    *This Veda is written in prose and poetry.
    *The methods of performing Yagya have been mentioned in it.
    *Zero is mentioned in this Veda.

*One who pronounces mantra = Adhvaryu
*Upveda = Dhanurveda

Ⅲ. Samveda :-
*The oldest source of music
*The pronunciation of Vedic mantras has been described which are sung in a loud voice.
*Favourite Veda of Lord Krishna
*One who utters mantras = Udgata
*It is also called Mahiveda, Bhaishjya Veda, AtharvaAngiras Veda.
*Upaveda = Gandharvaveda

IV. Atharvaveda :-
*also known as mahiveda / atharavangiras
*This is a materialistic Veda.
*Witchcraft and tricks have been mentioned in this.
*Medical methods and medicines have been mentioned in it.
*One who utters mantras = Brahm
*Upaveda = Shilpaveda
*The methods of performing Yagya have been mentioned in it.

Brahmin literature :-
Rigveda –
1.Aitareya Brahmin
2.Kaushitaki Brahmana
3.Shatapath Brahmin

  1. Taitiraya Brahmana

Samveda –
1.Panchvish Brahmin

Atharvaveda –
1.Gopath Brahmana

Aranyaka Literature :-
*These were composed in forests (Aranya).
*Theme :-
Mystical knowledge and philosophical elements
*The literal meaning of Upanishad is to sit with devotion near the Guru.
Upanishad :-
*Their number is 108.
*It is also called Vedanta.
*Major Upanishads –
1.Kathopanishad = Katha +Upanishad. It contains the dialogue between Yama and Nachiketa.Rituals have been criticized in this.
2.Chandogya Upanishad –

  • The oldest mention of Lord Krishna is found in this.
  • Lord Shri Krishna has been described as the disciple of Devaki and the son of sage Angiras. son of
  • The Panchsheel principle of Buddhism is found in it.
    3 Vrihadaranyaka Upanishads –
  • Longest Upanishad
  • It contains the dialogue between Gargi and Yajnavalkya.
  1. Jabal Upanishad –
  • Mention of all four ashrams is found.
    5.Aitareya Upanishads –

*Eightfold Path of Buddhism
6.Mundaka Upanishad –
“Truth Alone Triumphs”= satyamev jayte
Vedanga :-
*It was composed to understand Brahmin Vedic literature.
*Their number is 6.
*Grammar Panini’s Ashtadhyayi is the first book of grammar.
*Puranas were composed by Lomaharsha and Ugrashrava.
*The number of Puranas is 18.
*Literal meaning of Purana = ancient narrative

Matsyapuran :-
*oldest purana

  • Information about Shunga and Satvahana dynasty is available in it.

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