102, Nisha Tower, 3rd Floor, Thakurbari road, Aam Bagan, Sakchi, Jamshedpur



(a) 3.7     (b) 4.36     (c) 3.52      (d) 2.5 2.  यदि 480 के 12.5% का E%= 72 है तो E का मान क्या होगा?If E% of 12.5% ​​of 480 = 72 then what will be the value of E?(a)  120    (b) 95    (c) 110     (d)  105 (a) 10     (b) 11     (c) 14     (d) 15 4.  A, […]

Banking# SSC practice set questions #Time &Work

1) In a factory 30 men can manufacture 50 toys in 8 toys In 8 hours. How many toys can be created If 40 men Work on the same project for 12 hours?2) If A can do a piece of work in 6 days and B can do it in 8 days, then in how […]

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