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The development of any child starts from the stage of conception of its mother, such development of the world which is related to its parents is called inheritance.
Inheritance is directly related to descent, that is, I have a parental role in heredity as well as the role of an ancestor of an infant, so it is called inheritance and its influence in the development of humans continues from generation to generation
In the sense of inheritance, it can be said that as soon as there are creatures, they give birth to creatures like themselves.
A child’s physical appearance is consistent with his parents. This is an example of inheritance.
Psychologists say that the child acquires physical qualities as well as mental qualities from his parents, but it is not necessary that the children of the retarded parents also have retarded because in addition to physical and mental qualities, they also get from their ancestors. This process is also known as heredity.
Definition of inheritance
Definition of inheritance according to J. A. Thomson
Inheritance is a convenient term for a related, genitive relationship between ordered generations.

Definition of inheritance according to woodworth
In inheritance also comes all the things that were present in the person when he started his life. It does not come at birth but at the time of conception, it starts coming in about 9 months before birth.

HA Patterson
A person acquires certain qualities of ancestors through his parents, the same is called inheritance.

BN Jha
Inheritance is the complete sum of a person’s innate characteristics.

Basic basis of inheritance

The base of the heredity or inheritance is the cell or cell.
Just as the building is made by choosing bricks, in the same way the human body is made by cells.
The body starts with only one body, which is called Jai Goat combined shell, these funds are 2,4,8, 16,32 and continue in the same order.
Joint fund is the sum of two productive cells in which a mother is called mother cell, father is called father cell.

Process of inheritance
At the time of conception, the egg of the mother and the sperm of the father meet, to form a new cell.
The particles at the center of the cell are called chromosomes and the chromosome is always in pairs.
There are 46 chromosomes in a human cell which are in 23 pairs. 3000 genes are found in each chromosome. Jeans are the determinants of different abilities and qualities of a person.
Heredity principle

Law of equality
Law of difference
Law of opposite qualities
Law of continuity
Law of transfer of acquired properties
The law of regression or alternation, also known as Mendel’s law

Major genetic diseases

Otherwise blindness or color blindness
Turner syndrome
Cleanae filter syndrome
Down’s syndrome
Edwards syndrome

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